Ayurmithra > Treatments > ayurvedic treatment for varicose veins
According to Ayurveda, Varicose Veins can be correlated to a condition called
SirajaGranthi. In this condition, the blood veins are enlarged and gnarled.
Nidana (Etiologyor basic causes):
The basic causes leading to the formation of Varicose Veins are:
- Excessive exertion by a weak and emaciated person.
- Intake of food that obstructs the channels like curd, Lassi, deep-fried food etc.
- Suddenly immersing or washing the lower limb in cold water after walking a long distance.
- Excessive exertion of the lower limb
- Constipation
- Obesity
SAMPRAPTI (Pathology):
The valves in the veins become weaker as they lose elasticity. Loss of Elasticity as per Ayurveda is due to increase in RukshaGuna (dryness) of Vayu (air) and the subtle tissue metabolism.
Ayurveda takes in consideration Prana (life energy that performs respiration, oxygenation and circulation). It governs two other subtle essence Ojas and Tejas. Ojas (the essence of the seven dhatus or bodily tissues) is responsible for the autoimmune system and mental intelligence and is necessary for longevity. Displaced ojas creates the kapha related disorders and decreased ojas creates vata related reactions. Tejas (the essence of a very subtle fire or energy) governs metabolism through the enzyme system. Agni (central fire or energy source in the body) promotes digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. Tejas is necessary for the nourishment and transformation of each dhatu. Aggravated tejas burns away ojas, reducing immunity and over stimulating pranic activity. Aggravated prana produces degenerative disorders in the dhatus. Lack of tejas results in over production of unhealthy tissue and obstructs the flow of prana/rakta (blood) in case of Varicose Veins. It is essential to maintain balance amongst the tridosha (three Doshas)—Vata, Pitta, Kapha principles of motion, metabolism, structure, respectively.
- Aching pain in the legs
- Feeling of heaviness, Specially after a stressful activity or at night
- Itching around the affected veins
- In case of injuries, bleeding might take a longer time to stop
- Swollen ankles
- Sitting or standing for a long period of time may worsen the pain
- Red discoloration of the vein
- Age: As one gets older, the veins lose their elasticity, causing them to stretch. The valves become weak which can cause the blood to flow in the opposite direction.
- Pregnancy: Pregnancy decreases the flow of blood from legs to pelvis. This can leadto enlarged veins in the leg.
- Constipation: Constipation puts pressure on the abdomen and can cause Varicose Veins.
- Gender: Varicose veins affect women more than men
- Genetics: A person who has a family history of varicose veins has higher risk of developing the condition
- Obesity: Obese people are at a higher risk of developing varicose veins
- Age: The risk increases with the increase in age
- Certain jobs: Jobs which demand standing for a longer period of time increases the risk of varicose veins Like Teachers, Surgeons ETC…
Chikitsa (Treatment):
As varicose veins is a condition due to the vitiation of Vatadosha, Ayurveda recommends treatments directed towards pacifying vatadosha. A vata-pacifying diet regimen is advised with a practice of carefully chosen yoga asanas and physical exercises.
Along with herbal medications, treatments such as
- Dhara over the legs,
- Abhyanga (Ayurveda Therapeutic massage over the area)
- Vatarakthachikitsa,
- SiraVyadha (blood-letting treatment), leech therapy etc. play an important role in normalizing the circulation.
- Vasti
- Lepam
- NadiSwedanam
These external treatments help in detoxifying the affected site to help aid nutrition while adding support for the blood flow directly at the affected site making it one of the most effective
Best Diet For Patients Suffering With Varicose Veins
Deficiency in certain nutrients can also cause varicose vein. The skin begins to lose its elasticity. As a result of this, individuals are usually encouraged to take a balanced diet that can supply the body with essential nutrients.
These include:
- Diet rich in lean protein for easier digestion
- Whole grain millet and wheat, instead of synthetically polished food grains.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables. This helps to supply the body with Vitamin C.
- Consume garlic, ginger, and onion for the proper distribution of the protein.
- Drink lots of water. This helps to keep the clean and detoxify the body system.